Here’s Katherine Heigl Like You’ve Never Seen her Before — Looking Sexy As Hell In Skimpy Lingerie

Other than her role in Knocked Up, actress Katherine Heigl actually has a reputation as being a pretty reserved human being who takes her celebrity status very seriously. She’s never been one of those actresses to have naked photos of her “accidentally leaked” to the World Wide Web. Katherine Heigl‘s never made the front page of TMZ for getting blacked out at a club in Los Angeles and assaulting the paparazzi, and as far as I know she’s a pretty normal human being.

That’s why I was so taken aback to see these sexy photos of her on Instagram. In it she alludes to working on a secret project with her musician husband, Josh Kelley, a Blues/Pop Rock/Country Music artist. In the stills she shared on Instagram she’s seen lounging in some extremely revealing lingerie, and it’s Katherine Heigl like we’ve never seen her before:

A quick perusal of Katherine Heigl’s Instagram shows that these are without a doubt the sexiest, most revealing photos she’s ever shared. Typically, Katherine Heigl is sharing photos like this:

And until now these are the sexiest pics she’s ever posted to the ‘gram:

I don’t know if this means that Katherine Heigl’s about to turn over a new leaf in her career and start shedding her layers of clothing to show off more skin, but I do know that her fans would love to see that. Frankly, if I had to make a wager on what any of this means I’d guess that she’s appearing in an upcoming music video with her husband and she won’t be wearing much at all…But only time will tell.

[h/t PageSix]

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.