Remember a few weeks ago when Leonardo DiCaprio brought one model to a nightclub and then left the same nightclub a few hours later with a different model? He went and did the same baller move again with the SAME two women. But then took a third model out the next day because it’s good to be Leonardo DiCaprio.
On Tuesday, Leo visited his latest “girlfriend” German model Lorena Rae at her apartment. But later that day he would meet up with a familiar old flame, German model Toni Garrn. Leo is gonna Leo
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Page Six blows Leo’s spot and has details on the best kind of double date.
The pair later met up again at a Theory store at Brookfield Place, where they were “deep in conversation” and “laughed and flirted.” Sources said Lorena even “picked out a $365 jacket for DiCaprio.” But after she left, the star soon “received a call on his cell and rushed outside . . . straight into the arms of his former lover — 25-year-old blonde Toni Garrn.”
A source added: “Leo ditched his bodyguard so he could share an intimate dinner with Toni” at North End Grill. After a post-meal stroll by the water, the former couple headed to Garrn’s apartment.
“They went into her apartment together at about 10 p.m.,” reported a bystander.
One would think two models in one day would be enough ego-boosting for one man, but the very next day he was with ANOTHER model, this time it was Polish model Ania Cywinska. Good to see that he is diversifying his European models.
Page Six sources said they saw DiCaprio and model #3 leaving Spotted Pig, a restaurant in the West Village that is known for celebrity sightings. Cywinska, who was rumored to be seeing Matt Harvey of the New York Mets, allegedly “currently has a boyfriend and is very happy,” at least that’s what her rep said.
As far as Leo, a friend of his said, “He’s not dating anyone.” That’s because he’s dating everyone.
Leonardo DiCaprio is out there just living the life.