That above photo there doesn’t imply much until you see the lower half, which we will get to.
Paris Hilton is in Hong Kong this week for Art Basel, which, … who knows. I think it was the thing where Leo took 20 models home from in Miami, so you know it is a cocaine fuck fest that I guess maybe supports the arts as well.
So keep that in mind.
First, here’s Hilton flying there in a baller first class seat, proving once and for all that fuck the rich with a rusted out dagger.
That pantsuit, though. For last night’s affair, she brought her new boobs out.
Also in attendance at Art Basel, supermodel Kate Moss.
Here’s Hilton snapping a picture of Moss with her “friend” DJ Fat Tony.
Afterwards, the two of them, with Hilton wearing much less clothes, snapped a pic. I wildly speculate a threesome happened after, solely based on the placement of Moss’s hand. That and the fact that they are clearly no longer in a club. That and because Kate’s shirt is coming off. And again, Hilton’s wearing a lot less clothes.
The caption read “#Killingit in Hong Kong with my #SexyCrew @KateMoss & @DJ_FatTonyNY_.”
Did they fuck after? What’s the point of having a Sexy Crew if they don’t have sex? Also, DJs get the best trim.
The event they were at was for charity, so if it did go down, at least the fucking was for a good cause.