T.I. is opening up a new strip club in Atlanta, because the city obviously needs it, so he held auditions to fill 100 stripper positions a few days ago.
Filling those positions turned out to be probably even easier than he had hoped as a whopping 1,600 women showed up to attempt to land a position with the club.
According to TMZ…
The rapper and his partner, Damon Cobbs, are launching a V Live in Atlanta later this month, so they held a job fair — of sorts — a few days ago. Recruiters were looking at several criteria beyond dancing skills.
We’re told a well-rounded butt, toned body and tight abs put most candidates over the top, and of course … great personality was a must.
The applicants are also shown having to sign insurance waivers because as one man in the video puts it, if they take a tumble while performing “that’s their ass” not T.I.’s.
That would be a “well-rounded” ass too if they want to land one of the jobs apparently.
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Stripper image by Shutterstock