Our bodies are wonderful, delightful, magical places that, through no control of our own, sometimes have their unique quirks.
Gluten insensitivity, peanut allergies, two vaginas. You never know what things your genetic code will cook up for you until you pop out of someone’s vajish.
Redditor NurseryRN has one of those different, but no less normal body types. She was born with two vaginas and, in an Ask Me Anything, opened up about what it’s like to have two different boxes.
First off, what’s she flossing with.
so do you essientially have a “normal” (as in you have 2 labia majora) vulva externally but internally its got a septum down the middle dividing it? glad to hear its all ship shape and in working order for you tho.
There is a septum. It’s separated about an inch into my vagina. Does that make sense?
Once there, though, it’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel. Down vagina A, pain. Down vagina B, pleasure.
Don’t choose poorly!
My sex life is good. It depends which vagina is penetrated. My vaginas are side by side and the left side hurts when penetrated because it is smaller. To my knowledge, due to the septum in my vagina, my g-spot is covered. Other than that, I imagine that it’s not much different than anyone else’s.
We aim for the right vagina.
Think of the full-handed shocker you could give, one in the pink and another one in the other pink and one in the stink. Just don’t waste time with any come hither motions. They are wasted on her.
To my knowledge, my g-spot is covered by the septum so I can only have clitoral orgasms and cervical orgasms that i know of.
She also has two uteruses and although it’s unlikely, she could get DOUBLE PREGNANT.
Due to hormones, that isn’t supposed to happen but I’ve read that it’s happened before. Apparently a woman had one in one uterus and twins in the other uterus.
[But I need to have a] c-section. My uteri are smaller than normal so I am at risk for miscarriage, intrauterine growth restriction (small babies), and premature babies
Bummer. However, she only has one period a month.
I have two fallopian tubes, one connected to each uterus. I menstruate once a month.
That’s great. Double would be downright cruel.
Read more of her AMA here.
[H/T Esquire]