Another day, another smoking hot lady you really need to see. Today we’d like you to get to know a little bit about Victoria Sophia. You see, Victoria Sophia is a film actress and glamour model that you can check out playing a nurse in the upcoming movie Fade Away, which follows an inner city youth finding the right path in life. It’s a story with heart, you know?
Some of Victoria’s previous acting roles include appearing in Pain & Gain, as a lead in the Web series The Cosmonauts, and a supporting role in the horror film Muck.
Before switching to entertainment, Victoria, who grew up in Miami, worked in the medical field as a registered nurse. In her free time she enjoys kickboxing, hiking, and shooting. So basically she can beat the hell out of you then fix you right up!! Nice.
Keep up with the latest news about Victoria on Instagram, Twitter, and IMDb just as soon as you check out the rest of her crazy hot pics.