The 300: Rise of an Empire trailer should settle any debates over whether the slow motion battle scenes still capture our attention. It features blood, sex, and another Leonidas kick even though he’s dead.
After watching 3.5 seasons of Spartacus, most of us have had our fill of slow-mo sword play, but this immediately recaptured my attention. Thanks to the Spartans, 300 consisted almost entirely of very linear fighting. Rise of an Empire looks to be all over the place, and we’ve only seen a couple minutes of it. Then again, that could be a bad thing. The 30-foot jump had a very Wile-E-Coyote with an “uh-oh” sign feel to it. Thankfully his ankles are stronger than some other’s.
I think we’re all hoping 300: Rise of an Empire culminates with an epic battle between Eva Green and Lena Headey. I don’t care if they use swords, bows, or goose-down pillows, I want to see them go at it. Here’s hoping.
Since when does a god-man need a weapon?
Lena Headey is not impressed.
This looks familiar.
Xerxes is Jesus, you guys. It’s foreshadowing.
Eva Green fights like a girl.
Apparently the Spartans still work out.
What it looks like on the receiving end of a Leonidas kick.