Your Jimmy cap just got it’s own Jimmy cap.
Galatic Cap Pregnancy Prevention — needs a better name — but it’s a device that sits on the tip of the penis, leaving the shaft exposed.
Here’s how the Galactic Cap works —
The condom comprises two parts – a U-shape polyurethane adhesive film that wraps around the penis – like a plaster around a finger – and a cap that sticks to it to firmly trap semen. When a man wants to have sex, he peels off the paper backing on the cap and sticks it to the polyurethane to securely bond the two and trap semen.
As with any new product, there is good news and bad news. The good news is the Galactic Cap will prevent pregnancy and won’t feel as though you’ve got a thousand rubber bands choking your chicken.
The bad is the condom doesn’t prevent people from picking up every other sexually transmitted disease. Critics pointed out that the device will not provide protection herpes, for example, which can be transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact.
So the Galactic Cap will work with people you know are clean, which leaves pretty much no one.
[via Daily Mail]