How to get beer from a Pak Tech super sixer

If you’ve ever come across a thick plastic 6-pack holders, you’d know it’s the greatest invention since the beer itself. It holds your beer so well that some people struggle to remove cans. Thankfully Deep Ellum Brewing put together this violent video to show you how to get your beer back.

There’s nothing more iconic than Matthew McConaughey leaning against a wall holding an old school sixer. It’s so iconic, in fact, that I’m pretty sure that never happened, and it’s just my imagination. If you’ve ever tried to walk around a party holding beer by the duck-killing rings though, you know it’s not long before they inevitably fall out. I imagine that’s what inspired someone at PakTech to create this super-sixer can carrier, and I’m damn glad they did. I’d hate to see the craft can movement slow down and be stuck with bottles forever.