Idaho teacher under investigation for saying ‘vagina’ in biology class

Note to all the teachers out there: If your high school biology class includes any actual biology, prepare to be in serious trouble.

Male teacher image by Shutterstock

The teacher, Tim McDaniel, allegedly taught a classroom full of 10th graders about the biology behind the vagina and the female orgasm.

McDaniel claims he taught he straight out of the approved textbook, telling the Twin Falls-Times News, “I teach straight out of the textbook, I don’t include anything that the textbook doesn’t mention. I give every student the option not attend this class when I teach on the reproductive system if they don’t feel comfortable with the material.”

The teacher also says that he’s taught similar lessons at the Dietrich, Idaho high school for the past 18 years without similar complaints.

According to Raw Story, local students have created a Facebook page called “SAVE THE SCIENCE TEACHER!” The aim of the page should be fairly obvious.

“[T]here are a couple people in the community that are trying to get Mr. McDaniel fired for teaching the reproductive system, climate change, and several other science subjects,” the students wrote on the Facebook page description. “All these subjects were taught from the book and in good taste. He cares for each of his students and goes the extra mile to help them all. Now is the time for us to help by supporting him!”

Dietrich Superintendent Neil Hollingshead says that the situation is “highly unlikely to end with his dismissal.” Hollinshead says that McDaniel is more likely to receive a written reprimand instead.

If teens can’t learn about the mysterious female orgasm from a guy with a chalkboard and a penchant for dissecting fetal pigs, who can they learn about it from?