Isn’t it just amazing when random holidays fall on a weekend? Well, August 16th this year is National Rum Day, so in honor of that here are 5 guys we’d like to get drunk on rum with, and why.
Why rum? Well, because it’s National Rum Day dammit! And because I know each and every one of you care so deeply about who me as a person would want to get drunk with, here’s my list of 5 guys I’d like to spend time with down in the Caribbean drinking rum cocktails (and a few recipes for rum cocktails).
1: Dr. Guy Harvey
If that name doesn’t ring a bell, don’t worry about it. Dr. Guy Harvey is a bit of a celebrity in the fishing world. He’s famed for his incredible paintings of fishing scenes, and has managed to turn his paintings in to a global empire of merchandise, resorts, and conservation.
Why would I want to toss back a few rum punches with Guy Harvey? Well, Dr. Guy Harvey was born in Germany, but he’s actually spent virtually his entire life in Jamaica, and claims Jamaican citizenship. He’s lived a life in the epicenter of rum.
Drink of choice? Well, the first image you saw above. The Village Island Punch. Recipe:
3 parts Wray & Nephew® White Overproof Rum
4 parts orange juice
3 parts pineapple juice
1 part Appleton® Estate V/X Rum
1/2 part grenadine
1/4 part lime juice
Shake with ice. Pour into glass. Garnish with pineapple top and cherry.
2: Ernest Hemingway
I know, this one’s pretty damn obvious. But I said this is a list of people I WANT to drink rum with, not a list of people ‘I want to drink rum with and care about what you think.’ As a Floridian, we partially claim Hemingway as one of our heroes…even though he was born in Illinois and died in Idaho.
His stories and adventures to Cuba/Key West are quintessential in the life of a fishermen. If I could only choose one man to drink with off this list, it’d probably be him.
Drink of choice:
K 11 Rum Punch
2 parts Wray & Nephew® White Overproof Rum
2 parts Appleton® Estate Reserve Jamaica Rum
4 parts water
1 part lime juice
2 parts strawberry syrup
½ part cane simple syrup
2 parts orange juice
2 parts pineapple juice
3: Andre the Giant
The tales of Andre the Giant’s ability to put down booze are legendary. Supposedly he once drank 119 beers in six hours. I don’t know what that translates to in Cuba Libres, but given the chance I’d have loved to find out.
Drink of my choice: the Old Jamaican
1 1/2 oz. Appleton® Estate V/X Jamaica Rum
3/4 oz. fresh squeezed lime juice
1/2 oz. demerara syrup (2-1 sugar to water)
Dash of orange bitters
6 to 8 mint leaves
Garnish: mint sprig
Glass: double old fashioned, 12-14 oz.
Ice: cubed
4: Fidel Castro
The evil dictator of Cuba, I’d love to sit his ass down back during the revolution and try to pick his narrow-minded brain (though reportedly brilliant) on why the hell he thought it was a good idea to shut off an entire island of rum loving citizens from the rest of the free world.
I simply cannot wait for the day when we’re able to legally (and freely) travel to Cuba, and be able to soak up the history of a country that’s basically been stuck in a time capsule for decades.
Drink of choice: Daiquiri
The eponymous drink of a village in Cuba is in its simplest (and not frozen) form, absolutely delicious.
4.5 cl (9 parts) White rum
2.5 cl (5 parts) lime juice
1.5 cl (3 parts) Simple syrup
5: Bob Marley
Arguably the most famous Jamaican in history. I’d love to sit down and share a drink with ‘ol Bob if I had a time machine.
Like I said, this is my list, so f*ck you if you think he’s too obvious of a choice. He pioneered one of my favorite genres of music, reggae, and is a symbol all across the world.
Drink of choice:
Kingston Negroni
1 oz. Campari®
1 oz. Appleton® Estate 12 Year Old Jamaican Rum
3/4 oz. Bianco Vermouth
Garnish: orange twist
Glass: martini
Preparation: In a mixing glass, add Campari®, rum, vermouth to ice. Stir, strain, and serve up with an orange twist.