Katie Nolan is leaving us soon and that’s too bad. We’ll miss her humor, we’ll miss her spontaneity, we’ll miss her terrible dancing. Above all though, we’ll miss her ability to produce GIFable moments. Take a look at this final edition of Katie Nolan animated GIFs.
Who are we getting to replace Katie? Check out the finalists here.
35 Katie Nolan strips down
34 Katie sees a mouse
33 Katie talks about scissoring other women
32 Katie talking about people’s weiners
31 Katie as Amanda Bynes
30 Katie plays baseball
29 Katie hates Ryan, spits in his face
28 Katie stuffing her face with hot dogs
27 Katie with the country club swing
26 Dammit, that’s not Katie Nolan
25 Katie doing awkward white people things
24 Katie putting hot sauce on her ass
23 Katie loves Kate Upton’s boobs
22 Katie has ants in her pants
21 Katie and anal sex
20 Katie and her infatuation with Courtney Stodden
19 Katie sneezes
18 Katie riding a bike
17 True story: Katie can’t wink with one eye
16 Creepy Katie is the creepiest
15 Katie vs. the bacon sundae
14 Katie teasing the fellas
13 Katie talks about big boobs
12 Katie does the viewer email dance
11 Katie has lice
10 The best Katie reaction ever
9 Katie with the potty mouth
8 Happy Katie
7 Flexible Katie
6 Katie with some serious dance moves
5 Katie grossed out
4 Katie the runner
3 Surprised Katie
2 Katie feeling the heat
1 Katie’s training video with the Guyism staff