We’ve reached peak LeBron everyone. Within hours, we’ll know where King James is taking his talents. As such, here are 18 ridiculous headlines we hope to see.
1) LeBrackInAkron
2) LeBramadan
3) LeBrococalypse
4) Shun-shine State
5) LeBronathon
6) Derpcision 2014
7) LeBronapalooza
8) Cleveland’s ReBronding
9) LeProdigal Son
10) The Cleveland-JamesTown Resolution of 2014
11) The Miami Purge
12) King-dom Come
13) Bronstock
14) Bronchella
15) Le Great Escape
16) The Cleveland Show
17) LeBron his way home
18) King Veer
Contributors: @worldofisaac, @kylekoster, @casspa, @chrisilluminati