The Super Bowl may have been a bust, but this year’s snacks were on point. You don’t need football as an excuse to make these Cheesy Corn Dog Cupcakes though. They’re perfect any time.
I took some liberty with the naming of these snacks of life. I’m not sure what technically qualifies something as a cupcake, but it seems like it would be frosting. These obviously don’t feature a sugar glaze, but it was the easiest way to get the point across. You could always make a mustard frosting if you really wanted to though!
Vote for my Cheesy Corn Dog Cupcakes on Vienna Beef’s Facebook page.
I’ve made a few simple recipes in the past, but three ingredients might be the record. I’ve never made cornbread before so I cheated and bought a packet that only needed water. It was crunch time, and I didn’t want to fail so I went with what I knew would work. The upside is that it caused me to add jalapeno so it felt like I actually did something.
After some research I discovered Cheesy Corn Dog Cupcakes are tied with Cookie Dough Brownie Cups for second fewest ingredients. Top honors still belongs to Bacon Wrapped Bacon Stuffed Sausage, which has only 2 ingredients. That will likely remain the record for all eternity.
My first attempt just involved sticking a wiener in the gooey batter. It was ridiculously easy because cornbread had low morals, but the result was fairly boring. It was just eating cornbread with one bite that involved hot dog. That’s where the split came into play.
I quartered the hot dogs but left the bottom intact. This gave them an amputatee octopus situation that allowed the hot dog to still stand up but spread into multiple bites.
The hot dogs stood up pretty easily, and least to start. I had to adjust them halfway through the bake though because some toppled over as the cornbread started to rise. Trust me, the last thing you want is the hot dogs in these already awkward looking cupcakes to lean like a cholo.
Victory! These turned out better than I could have imagined. The mid-bake adjustment helped create a team of perfect Cheesy Corn Dog Cupcakes. You obviously don’t have to use football cups, or any cups for that matter, but they were taunting me from the grocery store shelf.
The beauty of these is that they’re stupidly simple. Watch as I write out the recipe for you:
- 6 Vienna Beef Cheesy Franks
- 1 bag Corn Bread mix
- 2 tbsp Jalapeno, diced
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Add water and jalapeno to corn bread mix and whisk.
- Cut hot dogs in half.
- Cut 2/3 of each hot dog piece into quarters.
- Stand hot dog in center of greased muffin tin.
- Hold dog while pouring 2/3 full of cornbread batter.
- Bake at 375 for 15-20 minutes. (Or whatever is on your mix)
- Check after 10 minutes and adjust hot dogs as needed.
- Serve warm with ranch, mustard, ketchup, or whatever else you want.
- Be awesome.