If you’re craving more adventure than cruising a beach on your next vacation, check out these trips we’re dubbing the most insane vacations destinations on Earth. Buyer beware: these trips might just kill you.
5 Great Blue Hole, Belize
Reason to go: Breathtaking Scuba Diving. The Great Blue Hole is 1000 feet wide, 400 feet deep, and one of the premier scuba diving destinations in the world.
Reason not to: Nitrogen Narcosis is going to kill you. Like a kid in a pool, you’ll definitely try to touch the bottom, and you’ll definitely die.
4 Chernobyl, Ukraine
Reason to go: Historical significance. Sure it’s famous for something negative, but there aren’t many places you can walk on grounds that are an ongoing piece of world history.
Reason not to: You’ll grow a 2nd head and die. No question. This isn’t Ghost Town from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4. You can’t just run around in radiation and end up fine.
3 Hekla, Iceland
Reason to go: Hiking on a volcano. Hekla is home to the most active volcano on Earth, which is really the only way to make hiking exciting.
Reason not to: It’s called the Gateway to Hell for a reason. There’s a 95% chance it erupts and kills you.
2 Tanzania
Reason to go: Breathtaking landscapes. You’ve undoubtedly heard of a little hill called Mount Kilimanjaro that rises like an empress above the Serengeti.
Reason not to: You’ll be trampled by a herd of elephants on a safari just like former UC San Diego Dean Thomas McAfee was last August.
1 Ice Hotel, Sweden
Reason to go: Arctic exploration. You can ride dogsleds from the airport to the hotel, snow mobile across rivers, and spend the night staring at the aurora borealis.
Reason not to: You’ll pray you freeze to death when you realize you’re paying upwards of $1,000 per night to literally sleep on a block of ice.