The Weinstein Company
Who wins the 2013 Academy Award for best GIF? Take a look at this year’s nominees in their respective films.
Actor in a Leading Role
Bradley Cooper-Silver Linings Playbook
Joaquin Phoenix-The Master
Daniel Day-Lewis-Lincoln
Denzel Washington-Flight
Hugh Jackman- Les Misérables
Actress in a Leading Role
Jessica Chastain-Zero Dark Thirty
Quvenzhané Wallis-Beasts of the Southern Wild
Jennifer Lawrence-Silver Linings Playbook
Naomi Watts-The Impossible
Emmanuelle Riva-Amour
Actor in a Supporting Role
Alan Arkin-Argo
Robert De Niro-Silver Linings Playbook
Philip Seymour Hoffman-The Master
Tommy Lee Jones-Lincoln
Christoph Waltz-Django Unchained
Actress in a Supporting Role