Oh. My. God. Here are some must-see Sammy Sosa pics that were posted to his Flickr account a few weeks back. They were take in preparation for his Hall of Fame nomination. How do I know that? Each pic carries the caption “Sammy Sosa. The real Sammy Sosa Baseball Hall of Fame nominee.”
Let the creepiness begin.
8 The real Sammy Sosa and his iPhone
7 The real Sammy Sosa just relaxing
6 The real Sammy Sosa lounging by the dining room table
5 The real Sammy Sosa not looking at the camera
4 The real Sammy Sosa doing a Rafael Palmeiro impression
3 The real Sammy Sosa with a tie short of his belly button
2 The real Sammy Sosa and a computer screen full of his emails
1 The real Sammy Sosa and his friend Barack “two times” Obama