4th Meal (is that still a thing?) lovers rejoice! Taco Bell is expanding their lineup of delicious tacos made inside chips. The newest Doritos Locos Taco trades the beef for chicken and ups the heat factor.
The Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco was announced last month and hits restaurants today. I’m guessing the reason it took so long was because the TBell staff was struggling to remember the 7-word name for a taco. Now it’s finally here in all its spicy glory.
As a general rule, I don’t order chicken at restaurants. It’s not that I’m worried about a salmonella outbreak or anything. I just assume I can make it equally well at home. Sure, it’s dumb logic. But it’s my logic. That actually changed when Taco Bell came out with there Enchirito killing Smothered Burrito last year. I tried that thing with beef and steak first, but the chicken was the only one that played well.
I’m ashamed as an internet food douche to admit that I’ve never been a big fan of the DLT. It’s great in theory but just never did it for me when stacked up against the rest of the border-crossing menu. At the same time, I’m an absolute sucker for spicy, which is why I fell victim to the Fiery DLT.
The new fiery sauce on the Spicy Chicken Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Taco pretty much guarantees I try it at least twice. It’s also the perfect excuse to drink way too much Mountain Dew Baha Blast.
Supposedly Taco Bell is releasing a comic comprised of 24 gifs on their tumblr page, if you’re into that sort of thing. If not, the video below should make their angle pretty clear. It still can’t compete with the single greatest spice-based Burger King commercial of all time though.