Bernard Tomic and his insane father are at again making more news off the court than on. John Tomic was arrested in Madrid after beating up Thomas Drouet, Bernard’s hitting partner. The incident was witnessed by several folks including ATP pros Alexandr Dolgopolov and Janko Tipsarevic.
Drouet suffered a broken nose and fractured vertebrae as a result of the fight.
One report claimed a man was unconscious in the street 100 metres from the tournament hotel where Tomic and his son were staying for the Mutua Madrid Open, one of Europe’s elite claycourt events. Drouet was said to be bleeding from the nose, lips and face. An unnamed witness said police and an ambulance were called.
European media reported said a man – believed to be John Tomic – was arrested at the hotel and had blood on his face when taken into custody.
The story comes on the heels of yet another incident in which John hit Bernard during a public practice session. How does the Tomic family not have a reality series yet? In the last year alone, they’ve combined for some seriously bizarre stuff. None as crazy as Bernard asking a chair umpire to eject his father from the stands. “He’s annoying. I know he’s my father but he’s annoying me. I want him to leave but how’s that possible?”
Someone get Kris Jenner on the phone. This family clearly needs better management.