As I like to do every so often here, today I’ve gathered up a collection of Tumblr’s greatest hits, aka the funniest things ever shared on Tumblr. Sometimes there ate just one-off jokes, sometimes they’re threads of genius, and other times they’re perfectly placed zingers. Regardless of the timing or context, you can be assured that they’re the funniest things ever shared on Tumblr.
For those of you that haven’t seen this before, this is something I used to post every Monday at 4pm over on Guyism, and this post will now live here on BroBible each Monday at the same time.. You should also follow me on Twitter HERE, @Guyism HERE, and like us on Facebook HERE if you see any of these ‘best of Tumblr’ posts you think should be included, that way you can pass them along my way and I’ll include them here.