Two things of note tonight, both involving busty women. Bouncy Kate Upton will be on with Letterman to talk about the SI cover and the Fashion Police will undoubtedly hit on Katy Perry’s Grammy dress. Here’s what you need to watch.
Late Show with David Letterman @ 11:30pm, CBS: The 2013 SI Swimsuit cover will be revealed. Who else is excited?
Fashion Police @ 9pm, E!: Many of you don’t like Joan Rivers. Many of you don’t get her comedic genius. Watch this show, if only to see Katy Perry’s boobs again.
The Following @ 9pm, FOX: If you’re not watching this show, you’re doing Monday night’s wrong.
Kansas State-Kansas @ 9pm, ESPN2: Could Kansas lose 4 in a row? It’s a possibility with the way they’ve been playing.
2 Broke Girls @ 9pm, CBS: The Super Bowl kept telling me to watch this show.