I was told that you get pink eye when someone rubs genitals in your face. Especially if those genitals are dirty, like a strippers. So what I’m trying to say is, wear goggles in the champagne room. Also, don’t get botox injections. Because that’s like herpes in your eye. Right Bob Costas?
According to the NY Post, Costas contracted conjunctivitis from a botched botox injection. And apparently it wasn’t his first one.
NBC’s prime-time Olympics host, who had to take a six-day absence after coming down with viral conjunctivitis in both eyes, contracted the infection after a Botox procedure to smooth out wrinkles prior to the Olympics. Our source said, “Bob’s eye infection was due to botched Botox. This isn’t the first time he’s had it.”
A brief reminder. Page Six = a gangbang between TMZ, Daily Mail and National Enquirer.
So take the news with a grain of salt. That being said, botox is botulism and you shouldn’t want botulism in your eye. For what it’s worth you also don’t want a stripper’s vagina in your eye. But I digress.