This is kind of fun. What was once the pinnacle of all that was cool, Abercrombie & Fitch, a brand which owned the teen demographic in the mid-90s to early-2000s, has finally realized it’s lame as fuck.
Their solution to that problem? Take the logo of their clothes, so you don’t look like some loser dude who is repping Abercrombie. And Fitch. Everyone always forgets Fitch. Poor guy. I bet he argued hard for it to be called ‘Fitch & Abercrombie.’ But, I digress. Back to the matter at hand, which comes via BuzzFeed.
“In the spring season, we’re looking to take the North American logo business to practically nothing, but protect logo in international stores,” Abercrombie Chief Executive Officer Mike Jeffries said on an earnings call today.
They also want to shed their rich kid identity, which is, ironically, what brought the company their original success.
The brand, once worn as a status symbol among American teenagers and college kids, is no longer viewed as elite and prestigious — and Abercrombie is well aware of that. Earlier this year, the company removed references to “East Coast traditions and Ivy League heritage” and words like “sexy,” “idolized,” and “privileged,” from its corporate filings, and replaced them with phrases such as “confident and engaging” and “totally accessible.”
The Moose is dead. Long live the Moose.
There’s no way this will work.