It’s A Miracle! The Loch Ness Monster Has Been Filmed Alive And Swimming…In Alaska

The Alaskan Bureau of Land Management released this video on their Facebook page and it instantly has people worldwide wondering whether or not this is Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. To have a little fun with the clip, some employees of the Bureau of Land Management appears to have added a spooky/ominous track to the background:

Here’s that clip on YouTube, if you’d prefer that over Facebook:

If I had to guess what was going on here I’d say that someone caught footage of a MASSIVE sturgeon swimming. This was filmed at the University Avenue bridge on the Chena River by Bureau of Land Management Fairbanks District Office Public Affairs Specialist Craig McCaa, who periodically photographs and films from that area to show the public changing weather patterns. After seeing this anomaly in the water Craig McCaa thought it was either a piece of rope snagged or a sturgeon, but then the third option of ‘sea monster’ crept into his mind and from there the video went viral after it was posted to the Bureau’s Facebook page.


“I initially thought, and several people thought, it could be some rope that snagged on the bottom of the river with chunks of ice,” McCaa said. “Other people have mentioned everything from sea monster to giant sturgeon.”
McCaa said there were some minor alterations to the video — it’s slightly sped up, with a camcorder view screen and some minor sound effects added — but that the movement of whatever is in the water is not enhanced.
He said he watched the object — which he said was between 12 to 15 feet long — swirl back and forth in the current for several minutes, though it remained stationary. McCaa, who has lived in Fairbanks since 1994, said he has yet to show it to BLM biologists to get their opinion.

Lock Ness Monster? Sturgeon? Debris?…What are we looking at here? I’m thinking this is a sturgeon but I’ll let you bros make your case down below in the comments.

…(h/t ADN)…

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at