As depressing and sad as it sounds, as a man gets older his group of buddies grow thinner until eventually, he is down to only a couple or even none. That is part of life and as men age, so does their energy levels.
Back in the day, hanging out with your friends required a phone call, a car, and a few buckets of beer. But as men age, it then requires planning, organizing, and, most importantly, permission. (You can act tough and pretend that you won’t let a woman tell you what you can or can’t do but we all know it’s bullshit. You might not ask her if you can go, but you damn well know you aren’t going without passing the idea by her.)
Instead, men will simply figure out different ways to relax and hang out with their close friends at their own home, where you don’t even have to find a designated driver.
That’s where the man cave comes into play.
A Man Cave is a room or place in a man’s house that is 100% his and no one can tell him otherwise. It is his personal cavern of things that he enjoys, stuff that he has owned all these years but has put them in boxes in the attic. It is like a groom’s cake at a wedding and no one can interfere in his design
In honor of the Man Cave, we have found the coolest ones on the planet for you to drool over and dream about tonight.
50. Private Shooting Range
49. The New York Giants Sanctuary
48. Action Figure Haven
47. Outdoors Lounge
46. The Man Cave Tundra
45. Underground Bunker
44. Homemade Sports Bar
43. All Work and All Play
42. The Huntsman Lodge
41. Nebraska Field of Dreams
40. Gun Lover’s Retreat
39. Invite the Ladies!
38. The Future of Modern Design
37. Classic Rock Hall of Worship
36. Secret Attic Hideaway
35. Major League Luxury
34. All-Sports Lover’s Paradise
33. Gone Fishin’
32. The Smuggler’s Room
31. The Outside of Zion
30. Old School Gaming
29. Back in the Day Luxury
28. The Master’s
27. Lost in the 50’s
26. The First Kingpin
25. Personal Car Museum
24. Game of Thrones
23. Lou’s Cafe
22. Nerd-topia
21. The U.S.S. Enterprise
20. Golf Lover’s Paradise
19. Hot Tub Heaven
18. The Vintage Car Garage
17. The Galactic Empire
16. The Sky Life
15. Teen Party Room
14. Skybox
13. Livin’ Above the Rim, Literally!
12. Simply Elegant
11. The Death Star
10. The Intimidator’s Garage
9. Wrigley Field
8. Maple Hill Farm
7. At the Bar
6. Sport Lover’s Utopia
5. It’s Better than Home
4. Luxuriously Perfect
3. A Sports Memorabilia Collector’s Dream
2. The Hall of Fame
1. The Bat Cave