I have to get this out of the way immediately: blogging about the Harry Potter shot at Barcelona Bar in NYC (on the corner of 55th and 8th) is kind of like blogging about my own father. During the 8+ years I lived in Manhattan, I spent more time in this bar than any other watering hole on the island, and I probably spent more time there than some of the apartments I lived in. So when I saw this video of my buddies Mike and Chris performing the Harry Potter shot going viral on Facebook I didn’t immediately think ‘oh, this is something I should share with the BroBible Bros because everyone on the Internet is enjoying this’.
I used to go golfing with the dudes in this video like every other Wednesday when I worked from home, and we were in a Fantasy Football league together, so I saw this video not as viral content but as something that a close friend is sharing on Facebook. Holy shit was I wrong. In hindsight I should’ve filmed this video myself and put it up here on BroBible yeas ago, but INSIDER Video beat me to the punch and as of the moment I’m publishing this article it’s up to over 1.34 MILLION views on Facebook:
If you’re like me and prefer a bar to have character instead of being trendy as fuck then THIS should be on your next NYC pub crawl and this isn’t even up for debate. In fact, your next Manhattan pub crawl should start and end at Barcelona Bar (I call it ‘shot bar’) because there’s no reason to go anywhere else in Manhattan. You can find Barcelona bar on Facebook and Instagram, and if you just walk over to 55th and 8th in Manhattan it’s the bar with the big blue shot glass in the window. Just walk in and say what up to Mike, Chris, Jay, or Brian and tell them I sent you (you’ll be welcomed with open arms, just don’t roll with a group of 10 and order 10 different shots because that’s very poor form).
Not to be forgotten in the mix here is Barcelona Bar features other themed shots. One of those shots mentioned in the video is the Game of Thrones shot and that shot was named by yours truly. A few years ago me and my roommates were three sheets to the wind, I left early and they came up with a shot that night named the ‘Flaming Snowflake’ (it basically tastes like Christmas). It used to be our go-to shot. Flash forward several years and I was on a trivia team that won a Summer-long trivia competition at the bar and one of the prizes was I got to name my own shot on the board. In order to make the ‘Flaming Snowflake’ I renamed it to the ‘Winter Is Coming’ because at the time we were in the first season of HBO’s Game of Thrones and BOOM! It’s now one of the top sellers.
You’ll know you are in the right place when you walk in and see this big gorilla on the wall made out of LEGO (this photo was actually the first picture I ever posted to Instagram):
WATCH NEXT: JK Rowling Reveals Why The Durselys Really Hated Harry Potter