This Bro Took A Bath With His Girlfriend And It Resulted In The Most Painful Experience Of His Life

Amazing cautionary tale here from Redditor the_gift_of_g2j. Following an invitation to take a bath with his girlfriend, he ended up royally messing up the entire situation thanks to a heavy pour of Peppermint oil.

The icy hot experience sounds BRUTAL:

Obligatory this happened two months ago

My girlfriend and I were sick and congested. We were sitting on the couch and she said she was going to take a bath and put in eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil.

She then asked me if I wanted to join. Sure, laying in a hot bath sounded really nice. She went downstairs to grab our towels and I started the bath. As I put the oils in, I yelled asking how much I should put in. I got the answer of only a little bit.

Apparently our definitions of a little bit are different. I don’t know if you know how strong peppermint oil is, but i should be able to paint a picture.

As we climbed in the hot bath, I realized that my asshole was starting to feel like an ice cube was getting shoved up it.

In my congested, mentally drained from illness mind, I said “Hey babe, hot water rises right?”

Right away she looked back at me and screamed “How much fucking peppermint oil did you put in?!”

I said I turned it upside down and maybe like 10 drops got out.

So we jumped out, body covered in water with peppermint. It burned like icy hot. My balls were on fire. My girlfriend starts crying from the pain, and is screaming. I’m in the fetal position trying to wipe water off my balls.

I then get the idea of jumping in the shower and seeing if getting the peppermint off of me was possible. NOPE. Makes it much worse.

Fast forward ten minutes, we are curled up on the couch both covered in multiple blankets trying to get warm. It wears off on my girlfriend and she says she just feels numb, but it doesn’t hurt anymore. Takes me an extra 15 minutes for it to stop hurting.

The heat from the blankets warmed me, but I felt like I had ice under my skin.

Half an hour later, it went away.

And that’s why I’m not allowed to draw our baths anymore.

Tl;dr: girlfriend and I are sick. Decide to take bath. I put enough peppermint oil in bath. My girlfriend and I get it seeping into our pores. Has the effect of icy hot. Balls and asshole are in pain. Girlfriend cries, we have to wait out the pain.

This sounds like a nightmare. Note to self, avoid Icy Hot on your balls at all costs.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: