After All These Years Scientists Might’ve Just Figured Out The Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The Bermuda Triangle has perplexed the world for centuries. Ships and planes mysteriously go missing in the triangular region from Florida to Puerto Rico to Bermuda and back. Countless lives have been lost over the years, and explanations of the Bermuda Triangle mystery have ranged from aliens to magnetic forces deep beneath the ocean.

After all these years scientists believe they’ve finally cracked the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and have put forth a fairly plausible explanation of 170mph ‘air bombs’ winds.

via Mirror UK:

But scientists claim they have discovered the truth behind the triangle’s deadly mystery – hexagonal clouds that create terrifying 170mph winds air bombs.
It is believed these deadly blasts of air can send tear down trees, flip over ships and bring planes crashing into the ocean.
Researchers also noted that massive clouds were appearing over the western tip of Bermuda Island – ranging from 20 to 55 miles across.
Dr Steve Miller, satellite meteorologist at Colorado State University told Science Channel’s What on Earth: “You don’t typically see straight edges with clouds.
“Most of the time, clouds are random in their distribution.”
These winds are powerful enough to generate waves of more than 45ft high as “air bombs” are forced to come crashing down towards the ocean.
Meteorologist Randy Cerveny added: “These types of hexagonal shapes over the ocean are in essence air bombs.

I’m skeptical here because the Bermuda Triangle has taken the lives of many more sailors than pilots and plane passengers. This phenomenon has existed for centuries and cost many seamen their lives, and I don’t really see how 170mph ‘air bombs’ hitting planes accounts for those countless lives lost.

Sure, a broadside 45-foot wave is going to flip a sailboat, and a 170mph wind blowing across the ocean might also flip that ship, but if this was happening then we’d at least have some record of it in the modern era. I’ve spent considerable amounts of time on boats in The Bahamas, spending weeks on tiny islands and docking at no-name marinas. Never have I heard any of the sailors or locals talk about treacherous winds like this. And the scientists are claiming that these clouds spotted off the tip of one island in a MASSIVE island chain connected to hundreds of thousands of square miles is the cause of the Bermuda Triangle mystery? I’m still skeptical.

It is an interesting explanation for the Bermuda Triangle, though, and one that certainly could hold some weight.

For more on this theory you can head on over to the Mirror UK!

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at