Thanks to legal marijuana industry, Denver has become one of the most storied destinations in America for people. Within minutes of getting off a plane at DIA, you can puff away on a fistful of legally-bought blueberry kush.
There’s more to life than just smoking up without having to worry about The Man. No blaze sesh is complete without a solid high-adventure for munchies. Like, would anyone really have ever given a shit about Harold and Kumar if they never took that trip to White Castle?
My boy from Foodbeast, Elie Ayrouth, recently headed to Denver to stay up all night puffing, eating, and drinking delicious brews. It’s part of a show called All Nighter with Tastemade. Watch the first couple episodes of it here.
The premise for All Nighter is so simple a stoner could do it: Go to a city. Get turnt-up at some of it’s most iconic establishments for imbibing. Eat delicious food. Repeat at a different spot until the sun comes up.
Elie basically has the best job in the world.
So what did he find in his pursuit of the perfect munchies in the Mile High City? Peep the video above, though I’m going to totally spoil it for you like the massive douche that I am: Rebel Restaurant on Wynkoop. Just look at a couple of these dishes and tell me you’re not drooling:
If that’s too damn high brow for your broke stoner ass, (a. get a damn job, hippie and (b. go get the mac n cheese pizza at Ian’s By The Slice. It’s the People’s Champion of munchies all around Colorado and elsewhere in the Mid-West.