Here Are 10 Bets That You Will Always Win So You’ll Never Have To Worry About Beer Money Again

Want to drink for free all night at your local establishment? Well, you’re in luck because Quirkology is back with 10 more bets that you will always win.

Fair warning though: as I always say when sharing these videos, you may always win these bets, but they make no guarantee that you won’t get clocked in the face for being a wiseass who takes people’s money using trickery.

And since they’re now up to Episode 15 (damn) and not all of these tricks might be right for you here are 50 more bets (plus another 10 in the link above) that they claim you will always win. Now go out and find yourself some suckers to fleece.

Falling money image by Shutterstock

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.