This Bloody Broken Arm Prank Might Take Top Honors For Grossest Trick Ever Played On Someone

AverageBroTV, the guys who almost got a beatdown for their “Boner in the Gym” prank awhile back have returned with another prank that definitely reaches level 10 on the gross scale.

In this prank, a guy pretends to take a spill only to surface with not just a broken arm, but a bloody bone sticking out through the skin. Yes, it’s pretty nasty.

Now the thing that I am trying to figure out is what this gruesome broken arm prank says about people based on their reactions to it. On one hand, some people seemed genuinely concerned while others? Not so much.

I don’t know what the worst reaction was, the guy who didn’t want to give him a ride because he didn’t want to get blood in his car or the women who actually laughed at him. That’s not right.

The best reactions, however, are obviously when people do this…

Nailed it.

Here’s some bonus footage with funny extras and some of the reveals that is also pretty entertaining…

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.