Boston High School Facing Nude Photo Scandal After FIFTY Female Student Selfies Are Found In Dropbox Account

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There are three rules when it comes to taking nude photos of yourself:

Rule #1: Never take nude photos.

If you can’t handle that rule (and come on, how hard is it to NOT take a naked picture of yourself), then there are only two rules left you need to follow:

Rule #2: Never save them anywhere

Rule #3: Sure as hell never send them to anyone

That’s not too bad, right? Maybe you’re taking a few nudes just to see how your ass looks in natural lighting. That’s reasonable. That’s excusable. That violates rule #1 but not rules 2 and 3, so we’ll allow that. These rules aren’t arbitrary, y’know – they’re meant to keep your naked body yours to look at and no one else’s to peep, ya hear? You don’t want to end up like the FIFTY Duxbury High School students who got hit with a nude photo scandal from a Dropbox account…or do you?

Police said many of the photos of the Duxbury High School students appear to be selfies and said the girls’ names also appeared on the Dropbox page, which has since been shut down.

A student who feared she was on the list informed school officials of the page’s existence the file sharing and storage website on Wednesday.

Investigators immediately had the San Francisco-based company take the page down, and have since served a search warrant on the site to determine through forensic testing who created the page in the first place.(via)

According to Daily Mail, Police Chief Matthew Clancy believes that the selfies were sent to the boyfriends of the girls involved and that there is “no indication any of the photos were taken of the girls without their consent.”

Some photos even appear to be fake, according to CBS Boston.

‘At the end of the day, these are children and they’ve made a mistake,’ Clancy said at a news conference on Wednesday.

‘We’re clearly identifying these girls as victims, because that’s what they are.’
Clancy said police are ‘aggressively’ going after who created the page.

‘We’re coming after them,’ he said. ‘We’re going to pull out all the stops and hold them accountable. That’s our focus right now.’(via)

Whoever created the Dropbox hosting all the photos could reportedly “face possession and distribution of child pornography charges, which carries a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison under Massachusetts law.”

The investigation continues.

[H/T Daily Mail]