This Bro Was Remodeling A Home And Found A Big Ass Box Of STRAIGHT CASH, Worth Tens Of Thousands

I feel like once a month on the Internet I come across some story about a person remodeling a home, or moving into a new house, and finding an old locked safe or hidden treasure of some sort, but RARELY does it ever turn out to be anything cool.

That’s not the case below, this bro found a box of STRAIGHT CASH. All of the bills were from 1928-1934, making them somewhat more valuable, and in total this treasure haul is worth tens of thousands of dollars. I can’t explain why but this buried treasure find makes me want to go buy one of those metal detectors and hit the beach immediately…via Imgur user Branik12:

Here’s what Imgur user Branik12 had to say about finding this massive pile of cash:

Some of the bills were rarer than others. Some brown notes, a gold certificate and some star notes nearly uncirculated. All bills were from 1928-1934. What do we do now? Is it ours? What is it worth? I can’t put this on imgur!
Next was hours of inventory and googling. I decided that we needed to have the special bills appraised and talk to a lawyer about how to proceed. Once the legal stuff was taken care of I decided to continue with the plan to post to imgur.
This was a wild ride for us and I hope you all enjoyed it too. We are boring people and have been dumping our extra money to pay off our mortgage and that is where this money will go too.
Front Page edit** Whohoo! first time to the front page. I’m glad you all like the post. Stay tuned for more!
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The total value of the money was about $23,000.

I don’t know about you bros but this makes me want to start ripping up the walls just to see what’s in there. If this person can find $23,000 in straight cash just sitting in the walls just imagine what else is out there for the finding?!?

In the picture set above I didn’t include all of the photos from the Imgur Gallery, so if you want to see all of them you can CLICK HERE to head on over to Imgur!

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at