If you’re under the age of 35 and have spent considerable amount of time either on a college campus and/or surfing the Internet then you’ve undoubtedly heard of butt chugging by now. It’s been around for YEARS, mostly as a joke but some people take it seriously, I guess. Butt chugging, or the act of ingesting alcohol (or drugs) rectally is nothing new, but as of today it showed up on an actual police training website in an article written by an active duty ‘Drug Recognition Expert Instructor’ who considers this to be an emerging trend. This is considered ‘training material’ for cops, and the article on butt chugging is designed to keep active duty police officers abreast of the latest drug and drinking trends.
Here are some excellent excerpts from Keith Graves’ article titled ‘What cops need to know about ‘butt chugging‘ (yes, it’s really a thing)’ on PoliceOne.com:
In one day, the internet was almost broken by a Twitter user named @freakmommy. A graphic photo posted to the user’s account brought national attention to the practice of “butt chugging” – taking a substance rectally to get high.
This is what police believe to be the genesis of butt chugging, even though I know a chick who took a vodka funnel to the butt down in Myrtle Beach (North Myrtle to be exact) back in 2009.
They then go on to differentiate between ‘butt chugging’ and ‘booty bumping’, because this is SERIOUS training material:
It’s important for cops to keep up with current drug trends – not only what drugs are currently available on the street, but how abusers are taking them. Taking drugs anally has been going on for some time — meth users have been getting high by “plugging” their drug of choice for two decades. At one point, there was even a website dedicated to helping users safely “plug” their drug without getting hurt. Meth, after all, is made up of very uncomfortable shards (they don’t call it “crystal” and “glass” for nothing). But while this practice of rectal delivery has existed in some form for a long time, the list of substances abusers are choosing to take rectally has grown in recent years.
For the last few years, pill poppers have begun to latch on to the practice. “Booty bumping” is often used as a term for taking MDMA and similar drugs rectally.
The girl in the aforementioned picture posted to Twitter was taking cough syrup, more than likely containing DXM, a dissociative anesthetic. Users will drink an entire bottle of cough syrup containing DXM to experience a very intense high.
People are also using alcohol in the practice. Users will soak tampons in alcohol and insert them rectally to get drunk. This is where the term “buttchugging” originated from.
Do you feel like you’re an expert in butt chugging yet? Getting all the relevant info you need on this latest trend by kooky kids? Nope, you need the explanation on WHY all these rowdy youths are funneling hooch up their buttholes:
Why do users do it? People take certain drugs rectally because it provides a more intense high. If the user were to eat or drink their drug of choice, it would meander through the digestive system until it finally reached the blood stream, where the drug could then cross the blood/brain barrier. However, if the user were to take a pill or drink rectally, they bypass the stomach and get the drug in the intestine, where it is rich with veins to suck it up and quickly get it into the blood system. The anus is very veinous; by taking the drug rectally, more of the drug gets into the bloodstream and creates a stronger high.
So there you have it. Now you know all there is to know about butt chugging, plugging, and booty bumping. The world of the drug user never ceases to amaze.
Okay, NOW you’re officially an expert on buttc hugging. You can go forth into the world knowing that you have a police-level education on the subject of butt chugging, and if anyone ever asks you about butt chugging you can tell them you’re a certified butt chugging expert….unless of course you want to take it a bit further and check out the definitions below.
A quick search of the Urban Dictionary definitions for butt chugging show that people continue to try and update the site with new definitions every year even though the first entry for butt chugging showed up back in June of 2011. For the most part butt chugging is a joke, but even as I say that I can give you the names of two chicks I know that have taken funnels of vodka right up their chocolate balloon knots.
NOW you can officially say you know everything there is to know about buttchugging…Well, kind of. I’m also going to need you bros to take this walk down memory lane and check out all of the ‘butt chugging‘ related content that we’ve posted here on BroBible over the years. After that I’m willing to sign off on you being an official butt chugging expert.
And to read this official police training material on ‘butt chugging’ or leave a comment on their lovely site you can CLICK HERE to see that blog entry in full.
[h/t Reddit]