Working from home has its perils. Just ask Robert Kelly. The BBC correspondent was reporting live from Busan regarding the removal of Park Geun-hye as President of South Korea when hilarity erupted. During his live TV interview on BBC World News his children stole the show.
The mom probably took her eyes off the kids for 48 seconds, but it was plenty of time for a young daughter and a toddler to make their way into daddy’s office where he was appearing on live TV.
The daughter first dances in, followed by the baby in a walker rolling into worldwide fame.
Seconds later, the mom literally slides into the room like she was Tom Cruise in Risky Business.
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To be honest, the guy is kind of a jerk. He gives his daughter a forearm to the face. Dude, everyone already sees your kid in the shot. Might as well play it up for the cameras and try to turn the unforeseen moment into something endearing.
With numerous hilarious moments, this is definitely the early leader in the clubhouse for best news blooper of 2017.