A Chicago man running from the police accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up briefly joining the Chicago Marathon.
Cops spotted Brian Duffy, a 28-year-old real estate broker, digging into flower pots along the marathon route. Marathons are not the place to do anything suspicious so the cops began to approach. Duffy got freaked and ran, accidentally getting in front of a pack of runners on the marathon route.
Duffy was able to avoid cops for a while thanks to blending into the running crowd but the runners eventually thinned and Duffy was easily noticed. He was in full work gear among a pack of skinny dudes in running shorts. Cops tackled Duffy and found him in possession of “an Altoids box containing 10 pills of what’s believed to be MDMA, and about $500 in cash.”
Duffy was with possession of a controlled substance, resisting arrest, reckless conduct and probably the worst marathon time in the history of the sport.
H/T Death and Taxes