To artsy folk, showing your drama class a film that includes you violating yourself with “plastic Bambi figurine” is fair play, because it’s art. It’s also one hell of a way for Queen Mary University of London drama teacher, Lauren Barri-Holstein, to break the ice on her first day of class.
To be fair, Barri-Holstein didn’t show her “Theatre and its Others” class some amateur webcam footage, she played a clip from a piece of performance art film she did called SPLAT. She’s a tasteful lady, and I won’t sit here and let anyone speak ill of her, you hear?
According to Telegraph:
The graphic clip was described by Ms. Barri-Holstein as “feminist performance art concerned with the female body”.
The intimate performance shows her inserting a knife handle into her vagina and throwing red tomatoes at the blade, giving birth to a small, plastic Bambi figurine, and inflating a condom.
Ms Barri-Holstein, creator of theatre company The Famous, said the work – which also shows scenes in which she urinated on stage and dangled naked from a harness – is relevant to her teaching module.
Wait a minute. Did she inflate that condom with her vagina? If so, gross. And also, kinda rad? Maybe?
A drama student, speaking to student newspaper The Tab, said: “It was surreal. I honestly didn’t know how to react. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look her in the eye in person, it’s just weird.
“It’s not even the fact we saw her lady parts, it’s the fact I literally have no idea how the clip was in any way related to this module.
“It was just so extreme and I don’t understand why it was in any way necessary.”
Wet blanket. There’s one in every class.
Look. Was it necessary? No, of course not. Most of the class would have probably survived just fine without having seen Barri-Holstein raid her own taco stand. But what about the perverts? They’re people too, you know.
[H/T Telegraph]