The last time that the Eagles of Death Metal were on a stage was on the ill-fated evening of November 13th when terrorists murdered 89 people at their concert at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris. Flash forward to Monday night when the Eagles of Death Metal returned to a Paris stage, and performed with rock legends, U2, for 20,000 emotional fans.
“They were robbed of their stage three weeks ago, so we’d like to offer them ours tonight,” Bono told the crowd (14:45 mark). EODM played a cover of Patti Smith’s 1988 “People Have the Power,” which is U2’s entrance music for their Innocence + Experience Tour. U2 then left the stage at Accorhotels Arena so Eagles of Death Metal could play their song “I Love You All the Time.”
The U2 was originally supposed to perform in Paris on November 14th and 15th and be recorded for HBO, but was rescheduled to Monday night after the terrorist attacks. The cable network will air the concert tonight at 9 p.m. EST.
U2 also played the Accorhotels Arena on Sunday night where the concert kicked off with “The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone).” It was followed by Bono paying tribute to the victims of the Paris attacks, “Tonight we are all Parisiens. Ce soir nous somme tous Parisien… If you love liberty – Paris is your hometown. Thank you for welcoming us back and allowing us to tell you a little bit about our lives at a time when your lives have been turned upside down.”
The U2 frontman continued his heartfelt speech, “We (stood) together with the families who have lost lives here in Paris, San Bernardino, in Damascus and Beirut. We stand together with the families whose children have been taken hostage by an ideology that shows none of the mercy or compassion of the god they deem to serve.”