Better get started adjusting your Spring Break 2016 plans accordingly, because no spring break in Florida would be complete without a trip to the Sunshine State’s first joint gun range + restaurant/bar. Everyone who’s anyone knows that Florida is BY FAR the most well-behaved state in the lower 48, and that if any state deserves a ‘gun range + bar’ combo it’s the Sunshine State, where nobody ever gets unruly and bizarre crimes are almost unheard of.
Plans for the state’s first gun range that serves alcohol have been in the works for quite some time, but it finally received approval last night after a local commissioner ended her holdout. What was holding Daytona Beach Commissioner Ruth Trager up from voting yes? She just needed to know the procedures in place to identify when people are hammered and/or if they’re a felon (which in practice won’t likely stop any drunk felons from shooting guns).
The developers are calling the boozy wing of the new gun range an ‘upscale restaurant’, not a bar. Yet they claimed that in order to be profitable they MUST be able to serve grandpappy’s ol’ cough syrup.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Daytona Beach city commissioners have given approval to an indoor shooting range that will include a restaurant that sells alcoholic beverages.
Commissioners raised safety concerns over the mix of alcohol and guns on the same property before voting on the measure on Wednesday night.
The Daytona Beach News-Journal ( ) reports Commissioner Ruth Trager was the lone holdout as the questioned the developers about how they’ll know whether someone is sober or a felon.
Ron Perkinson told commissioner the group plans to turn the vacant building into an upscale restaurant, not a bar. But he says he needs alcohol sales to make the restaurant profitable. He told commissioners he’ll keep a watch list of customers who may cause trouble and will call police when necessary.
As a native Floridian I have faith in my fellow Floridians that everyone will treat this ‘gun range + bar’ as an opportunity to show the rest of the nation just how well-behaved we are. Florida’s just got a bad rap, it’s basically the ‘Utah of the South’ where nobody ever steps a toe out of line. It’s just a state full of top notch journalists who pounce on any and every story…Yup, that’s it.