Brewery Tracks Down George Washington’s Favorite Beer Recipe (From 1757) And Brews The Most American Beer In History

You can now drink the most American beer ever brewed by scooping up one of the 30 barrels of ‘Colonial Ale’ from New York’s Blue Point Brewing Company, a beer brewed using George Washington’s favorite beer recipe that dates back to 1757.

Our very first President of the United States, George Washington, was a man of the suds, and one of my favorite breweries in America has just brought George’s favorite libation back to life after finding Washington’s favorite beer recipe written down in an old military journal, Forbes reports. The recipe dates back to 1757, making it just shy of 260-years-old.

Blue Point Brewing Company used the original recipe found in an old military journal in conjunction with a second copy of the recipe which is held at the New York Public Library archives (which can be found here), and they tried to use the exact ingredients George Washington would’ve used in 1757. While the ingredients were the same the primary difference was Blue Point’s ‘Colonial Ale’ was brewed using modern equipment.

via Forbes:

To create the beer, brewmasters used corn, oats, some wheat, and white molasses syrup. The result is hoppy beer with toffee and caramel undertones, as well as a “little bit of just citrus, piney character on the end from the spruce tips,” Jansen told Fox5. The brewers said that the only real difference between today’s version and that of 1757 is the modern equipment they used to make it.
Blue Point will debut the ale next Monday at Hofstra University’s hospitality tent before the presidential debate, and plans to later offer samples in its tasting room.

There you have it. If you’re looking to sample George Washington’s personal favorite beer recipe you can do so by showing up at Hofstra for next week’s U.S. Presidental Debate between Lil’ Hands Trump and Shillary Clinton.

For more on this rare beer you can head on over to Blue Point Brewing’s Twitter page where they’re featuring all sorts of content about what went into making this 260-year-old recipe come to life!

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at