Wrong numbers happen; it’s part of life. I can barely keep the numbers 0 – 9 straight, let alone a 10-digit number used to text someone in my phone.
Then again, this lady is a new level of stupid. For one, she texted her husband “11 Things You Didn’t Know Your Vagina Could Do” along with a link to the article. Who texts links? Use Facebook messenger for that shit bitch, or wait until you get home and bring it up on a laptop. For two, the whole exchange is stupid; as in it looks like it might go somewhere but then decides to sit down and pick its nose for a minute. In other words, the ending is lame. I hate lame endings.
“Oh the hilarity!” said no one ever after reading this text conversation. Whoever took the time out of their day to upload this onto Imgur successfully wasted 5 minutes of their life that could’ve been spent doing something useful, like huffing paint or chewing on thumbtacks. Both of those activities are intrinsically of more value to the human race than that conversation.
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[Via Imgur]