My grandpa can’t even use his 2005 flip phone, let alone get me laid off a dating app. Then again, I also don’t need dating apps to get laid. I’m a girl. Literally all I have to do is wear a push-up bra, be decently in shape and not horrendously if I want to get laid; dating apps are really just for men looking to cut down time between “hey” and “hump.”
Why do girls use dating apps then? Because they think that by using them they’re exposing themselves to a better pool of men. 99% of my guy friends are dipshits, so I can see how I’d use Tinder if I wanted to meet someone outside my circle – but that doesn’t mean the dudes on Tinder aren’t dipshits either. Look at Matt Keohan, for example.
Case closed.
[H/T Metro]