There are 60 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. There are an incalculable number of videos on the internet. So that means there are countless videos for an individual to watch at any moment. So there should be no problem finding a suitable video that interests you. Also, there is no shortage of suitable videos for your environment. That means when you’re at work you can’t watch interracial macrophilia vids and sorry, but you can’t watch 9/11 videos on a plane like this jackhole.
Of the decillions of videos at this gentleman’s disposal, he thought it was a super idea to watch terrorists fly planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11 and killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000 others.
Motherfucker, the in-flight announcement said to turn off stow away all small electronics! That means stop watching 9/11 vids!
Fellow passengers on the JetBlue flight could have reasonably hypothesized that the man was perhaps a terrorist getting himself hyped to hijack the plane to carry out his own version of 9/11.
If you see someone watching 9/11 videos while on a plane you have to immediately tackle them and then ask questions later right?
I believe the official modus operandi when it comes to situations such as this is “See something, clobber someone.”
Cooler heads prevailed and instead of pummeling the insensitive prick they recorded his unsavory viewing choice. Turns out they made the right call to not falcon punch him because he did not use the plane as a device of terrorism. He was probably watching the 9/11 video that was rehashed on Reddit last week.
The moral of the story is don’t watch fucking terrorism videos when you are on a plane. Ever.