This is fun. When public defender Andrew Weinstock didn’t take too kindly to Judge John Murphy trying to pressure his client into waving his right to a speedy trial, he was basically like, “what’s your deal, dude?” A super fed up Judge Murphy responded with, “You know, if I had a rock right now, I’d throw it at you.” Such a cool threat. Not enough people threatening stoning these days.
Things escalate from there and Judge Murphy challenges Weinstock to a fight out back. In kinda a boss move, before the challenge is even out of Murphy’s mouth, Weinstock breaks for the hallway to take the Judge up on his challenge. Within seconds, a scuffle and shouting are heard unfolding offscreen. What we allegedly hear is Judge Murphy grabbing Weinstock and unloading a couple blows, before the fight gets broken up by some deputies.
I love this. Weinstock was more or less giving Judge Murphy more work, and especially on a Monday in the summer (which is when this went down), how much does it suck when someone just isn’t in the same summer mode that you are? I would’ve loved it if at old jobs, when my boss tried to pile on some annoying assignment, I could’ve had the option to just fight him instead.
“I’m gonna need you to organize our client folders by tomorrow afternoon.” “Oh yeah, here’s a different alternative – how ’bout I kick your fucking ass?”
Bravo Judge Murphy.