Ahhhh to be 8-years-old again. The innocence of thinking that life is forever and there is no death. This young boy is aware of death, but probably equates it to a video game where if you die, you just respawn as another you. The lad named Brendan took the time out of his busy schedule of tee-ball and Minecraft to send this heartfelt letter to a soldier stationed in Afghanistan.
He starts off the adorable letter by asking some important questions such as “How did you get to Afghanistan?” and “Do you like the Army?”
The boy then offers up the reason as to why he isn’t in Afghanistan dishing out freedom, “I don’t want to die.” His wisdom is far beyond his years. He even states this encouraging message, “I hope you don’t die.” Thanks?
The courteous boy calls the soldier “brave” and thanks him for serving our country.
The youngin’ then tells the soldier, “I hope you Have fun!” He’s in a war zone, not going bowling or out for ice cream.
Ahhh to be a kid again.