Local Hero Facing Charges After ‘Saving His Beer’ From A Burning Apartment Building

man arrested saving beer burning building


For some reason, a man who re-entered a burning apartment building to “save his beer” while firefighters were working to douse the flames was arrested.

On Monday, our hero, Michael Casteel, 56, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota forced his way past police and firefighters to re-enter the building, which was still ablaze, mind you, to retrieve his valuable lager.

That there, folks, is what I call a beer run for the ages.

Reports The Smoking Gun

As emergency workers were treating other building residents for injuries, Casteel, cops say, persisted in trying to reenter the building (seen above) to retrieve beer from his apartment.

Casteel succeeded in returning to his home, where he grabbed two cans of Bud Ice Premium, cops say. Upon exiting the building with cans in hand, Casteel was arrested for his ill-advised beer run.

A police spokesperson charitably described Casteel’s devotion to his suds as “poor judgment.”

Casteel, charged with obstructing a firefighter or law enforcement official, was booked into the Minnehaha County jail (where he is locked up in lieu of $300 bond).

The Sioux Falls Police Department even reported this man’s daring attempt to save his beers on their Twitter account… along with a little dash of humor…

I wonder if they factored in that the beer Mr. Casteel was retrieving was Bud Ice Premium before putting the cuffs on him. I mean, it wasn’t like he went in there for some Natty Light or Keystone.

Oh well, as we’ve said many times before and will certainly do so again in the near future, not all heroes wear capes.



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Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.