There once was a man from Bangkok,
He adored his dick so much,
He put a ring on it,
The ring bettered his performance,
His prick got enormous,
Then the band wouldn’t budge,
He yelled out, “Oh fudge!”
To the hospital he went for help,
The man let out a yelp,
After doctors pulled out a saw,
Nurses giggled and laughed,
At the ring stuck to his shaft,
They busted out bolt cutters,
And the ringed man shuttered,
After three hours and lots of tee-hees,
The man was happy to still have his testes,
The ring was cut in half,
The man’s pole was at half-mast,
But at least his dong wasn’t slashed.
From the Mirror:
He was using the sex aid at home but was left in unbearable pain when he couldn’t remove it. Emergency services had to be called, who sent an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The doctors used lubrication to try and slide the ring off but it was still stuck. They had to use a saw and pliers to stretch the ring and then pull it off. The metal ring was so strong that doctors spent three hours removing it.
The giddy doctors used pliers, a hacksaw, 2-fucking-foot bolt cutters, and every other imaginable tool that you wouldn’t want remotely close to your family jewels.
Look at that fucking monster of a bolt cutter!?!?! That should be used to commit bank robbers, not chop off cock rings.
This doctor seems to be having a grand ole time though.
You can see the more risque photos over at Mirror.