A little school by the name of Harvard — have you heard of it? — just gave men the world over another great reason why they should be forcing out a load every day. Not that you needed a new reason; your current reason of “I felt like it” got you this far. But at least their reason is scientific and makes you looks less like a raging pervert and more like a guy who is deeply concerned with his own longevity. And if blowing loads is the key to living a long, healthy life, then you’ll make that daily sacrifice.
Per the Daily Mail:
Regular orgasms can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, a study has found.
The researchers, from Harvard Medical School, did not explain why orgasms could lower prostate cancer risk.
However it has previously been theorised that regular orgasms may flush out cancer-causing chemicals in the prostate.
The new study is the largest to date on the frequency of ejaculation and and prostate cancer.
The researchers found that men in the 40-49 age bracket who ejaculate 21 or more times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 22 per cent.
This was compared to men who ejaculate four to seven times a month.
The study followed almost 32,000 healthy men for 18 years, 3,839 of whom later were diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Men were asked about their average monthly frequency of ejaculation between the ages of 20 to 29, 40 to 49, and in 1991, the year prior to the questionnaire.
They found that the more frequently a man ejaculated throughout his life, the lower his risk of prostate cancer at all three of these points in time.
Boom. There you have it. Next time someone (your wife/girlfriend/whoever) tries to shame you for tugging the cord with disgusting frequency, look them dead in the eye and say, “Would you rather I died from prostate cancer? Huh? Would you? WOULD YOU?!?!?” Then turn away and resume treatment.
[H/T Daily Mail]