Candles and flowers continue to grow outside a Paris restaurant where diners were massacred
— Kay Burley (@KayBurley) November 14, 2015
The death toll from the odious terrorists attacks by ISIS terrorists stands at 129 innocent human beings, with 99 people in critical condition trying to cling to life. Some of the unknowing victims were enjoying their dinner at the Le Petit Cambodge restaurant, while others were having a well-deserved drink after a tough work week at the La Belle Epuipe bar in the 11th district when they were murdered in cold blood by wicked evildoers who wanted to kill as many people as they possibly could. Those who were lucky enough to evade the spray of gunfire had to dodge explosions from grenades that were hurled in their direction as well as suicide bombs as the City of Lights mutated into a full-scale war zone.
The 1,500 concertgoers at the sold-out Bataclan music hall were celebrating life, relishing the music from Eagles of Death Metal when their entire world changed forever. The terrorists climbed to the balcony of the venue and unleashed a hail of bullets into the blameless crowd from their Kalashnikovs. I would say they slaughtered them like animals, but animals are given a more dignified execution. The ISIS extremists dispersed a wall of death into the helpless crowd. “It was carnage,” Marc Coupris, a witness who escaped with his life, described the gory scene. “It looked like a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, there were bodies everywhere.” From her hospital bed Helen Wilson, an American expat who was shot in both legs during the Bataclan attack, said the sociopaths were deliberately targeting concert-goers in wheelchairs and hunted down disabled people because they couldn’t run away.
American Nohemi Gonzalez, a 23-year-old design student at Cal State Long Beach, was cut down in the prime of her life during the attacks. She was studying in Paris as part of an international exchange program at the Strate School of Design.
American Nohemi Gonzalez, 23-year-old student at Cal State Long Beach studying abroad, was killed in Paris attacks.
— Mentality Mag (@MentalityMag) November 14, 2015
“”The entire world has been tremendous in giving support to the victims of the multiple Paris attacks, however some Mizzou protesters thought that the attention that was rightfully given to the bloodbath was unnecessary and took away the spotlight from the perceived racial injustices at Missouri.
People care about what’s going on in Paris but ain’t said shit about #Mizzou lol get y’all fake caring asses outta here
— Amir Parish Crooks (@Amir2Real) November 14, 2015
(cont.) experiencing its own terrorist threats. I find it ironic that terrorism is only valid when it is effecting non people of color.
— HAKIMAtheURBNMUSLIMA (@shegoldblooded) November 14, 2015
The #Mizzou and #Paris aren’t in competition of which is worse. They are both tragic.
— Nani (@scorptini) November 14, 2015
The gruesome massacre is the deadliest violence to strike France since World War II. Need I remind you that France was the very first ally of the United States, dating back to our country’s infancy in 1776. The same France that presented the Statue of Liberty as a gift to the United States from the French people in 1884.
The privileged students, who have all still have their lives, limbs and minds free of ghastly memories that would haunt you forever, are free to demonstrate under the First Amendment in their safe spaces at Missouri. Sadly for the victims of the Paris attack there was no safe spaces when terrorists butchered over 120 and injured more than 350 people in the grisly massacre. I’m sure if given a choice, the victims of the attacks would have prefered to be subjected to a swastika made of feces over the life-altering agony that they were forced to endure. Apparently perspective is one thing greatly lacking in the curriculum at Missouri.
[TheRightScoop via TheDailyCaller]