It’s A Sad Day For This Mother And Son Forced To Sell Their Mobile Brothel On Craigslist

I’m all for the small business man but I’m not sure I can condone a mobile brothel. A regular brothel, go for it, but this chlamydia mobile is way too creepy.

197? Chrysler motor home. I bought this former mobile brothel from one of the oldest pimps in Nevada. I believe it’s the one I was conceived and born in. My mother found it for me a few years ago while volunteering for the humane society in Vegas. I bought it right away for $10,000 because it’s kind of sentimental to us since my father was an aeronautical engineer turned Navy Seal firefighter and a CIA spy who worked for Richard Nixon himself.

Needless to say didn’t have much time for dating so he would visit my mom on his rare time off from work in this mobile brothel that she worked in while she saved up money for college. Anyways my mom and I hoped to restore it to it’s former glory days and get her and it back on the road. But after applying for permits, we were denied for a massive crab infestation and mold issues. It starts and runs well. Steers straight and is good in gas. I’d like to get around $10k for it as is. Clean title in hand. Thanks.

P.S. Dad if you are reading this please email me as i would love to meet you someday.

I am reading this, son, and you’re still never going to hear from me. I’ll buy the truck though. I’m sentimental like that.

[via Craigslist]

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Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.